Challenge: Road Stabilization
LandLoc’s EcoHaul creates safe, durable surfaces with a stable sub-base that will cater to heavy traffic, improve productivity and reduce damage to equipment and vehicles as a result of fugitive dust. Our road stabilization solutions support mining, construction projects and municipalities, including everything from heavy haul roads to dirt runways and more.
EcoHaul's Applications:
Binds Fine Particles
A major reason for poor performance of flexible pavement is the movement of fine particles under pressure in the sub-base layer. EcoHaul eliminates the movement of fine particles, while remaining elastomeric, because of binding properties performing at a nano level.
Increased PSI
EcoHaul will increase the load bearing PSI on all soils. If any soil is in question, our lab can test it.
Use of On-Site Soils
EcoHaul eliminates the need to import gravel by binding in-situ soils, achieving better compaction and strength than a gravel built sub-base.
Easy to Apply
EcoHaul is easy to apply, improves timelines and is more cost effective when compared to traditional methods of sub-base construction.
Does Not Leach
Once cured, EcoHaul will not re-emulsify, wash away or leach with water.
Environmentally Friendly
EcoHaul was created with the environment in mind; it is safe to use in the treatment of soils and is safe for humans, animals, marine life and vegetation.